Sean Ryder CFP, CLU, HBA, HBSc
Although Sean’s childhood dream job was to become a dentist (yes that is correct, he wanted to be a dentist from an early age!), he got his first taste of investing at the age of 10. His mom suggested he buy a Canada Savings bond. The idea that his money can earn more money for him without having to vacuum and dust the house sounded amazing. That was the seed for his Financial Planning career.
After graduating from Western University with a Biochemistry degree and a Business Degree from the Richard Ivey School of Business, he pursued a career in the Pharmaceutical industry. His love for financial planning grew so he changed careers and joined IG Wealth Management in 2007 and has never looked back.
Sean is committed to keeping his professional skills sharp. After earning his Chartered Life Underwriter designation in 2011, he received the top mark in the country on the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® examination in 2012. Both industry-leading designations call for significant skill and knowledge maintenance with yearly course requirements.
He contributes to the Advocis Financial Advisors Index™ (The Index measures Canadian advisor confidence, including client optimism about the state of the economy). He also coaches and mentors new Consultants.
On a personal note, Sean believes in a good work-life balance, although it is hard to achieve sometimes! Sean and his wife each have thriving professional careers and are parents to two healthy, happy and active children who keep them busy with homework, sports activities, and bedtime stories.
Never one to shy away from a challenge, Sean took up hockey at the age of 27. If he is not playing men’s non-contact hockey on Monday nights, he dons his tool belt and looks for a construction project.